superhuman in Swedish

We got one translation of superhuman in English-Swedish dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Positive: superhuman
  • Comparative: more superhuman
  • Superlative: most superhuman

Synonyms for superhuman


Definitions of superhuman


1. A human being with remarkable abilities.
2. A fictional human being with superpowers.


1. Beyond what is possible for a human being.

Examples of usage

  • His act was nothing short of superhuman.
  • In each of us there lies a dormant superhuman.
  • Esteban is a man of superhuman height—almost a giant!
  • He made superhuman efforts to maintain world peace.
  • You were always a perfect 'superhuman' to an infuriating extent, and so that 'habit' was actually one of your cute, or rather charming, attributes.
  • In hopes of attaining superhuman powers, Christopher Columbus once stared at the sun for five minutes straight. It didn't work.
  • Hercules, an ancient Greek hero celebrated for his superhuman strength, was pursued throughout his life by the hatred of Juno, the goddess of birth, matrimony and care, worshipped as queen of gods by the romans.

Wikipedia says

  • the term superhuman is part of a "power classification system" and applies to aptitude (usually physical) far beyond the range attainable by normal humans. An athlete is a normal human in extraordinary physical condition, such as a weight lifter or boxer. Peak human is applied to physical abilities that are nearly, but not quite, beyond the limits of the best of humans, such as an olympic-grade athlete.

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