manage in Swedish

We got 22 translations of manage in English-Swedish dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


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We also found the following translation(s) related to manage.


  • Infinitive: (to) manage
  • Present: manage / manages
  • Preteritum: managed
  • Perfektum: (have) managed

Definitions of manage


1. The act of managing or controlling something.
2. Manège.


1. To direct or be in charge of.
2. To handle or control a situation, job.
3. To handle wth skill, wield a tool, weapon etc..
4. To succeed at an attempt.
5. To achieve without fuss, or without outside help.


1. To take charge or care of; to dispose of.
2. To succeed in achieving a task (despite difficulties).
3. To succeed in accomplishing (an action), usually with difficulty.
4. To handle or produce effectively (something) with difficulty or effort.
5. To handle or control (a situation, job).
6. To handle with skill (a tool, weapon etc.).

Examples with translation

  • How do you manage?
  • Hur klarar du det?
    Hur lyckas du?
  • How will you manage?
  • Hur ska du klara dig?
    Hur ska ni klara er?
  • I can manage, thanks.
  • Jag klarar mig, tack.
  • Can you manage alone?
  • Klarar du dig på egen hand?
  • Tom'll manage.
  • Tom klarar sig nog.
  • We'll manage.
  • Vi klarar oss.
  • Can you manage to lift this box?
  • Klarar du av att lyfta den här lådan?
  • Can you manage alone this weekend?
  • Klarar du dig ensam i helgen?

Examples of usage

  • He managed to climb the tower.
  • Only one moment of my life was enough to manage to know and love you, but my entire life would not be enough to manage to forget you.
  • How do we manage?
  • How did you manage to do that?
  • We can manage everything.
  • We can manage without that.
  • How did you manage to do this?
  • I'm sure I'll manage.
  • How did I manage to do that?
  • How did he manage to do that?
  • How did she manage to do that?

Wikipedia says

  • Manage is a Walloon municipality located in the Belgian province of Hainaut. On January 1, 2006 Manage had a total population of 22,341. The total area is 19.60 km² which gives a population density of 1,140 inhabitants per km².

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