proper in Russian

We got five translations of proper in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


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  • Positive: proper
  • Comparative: properer / more proper
  • Superlative: properest / most proper

Definitions of proper


1. Suitable.
2. Suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances; fit, suitable.
3. The proper time to plant potatoes.
4. Following the established standards of behavior or manners; correct or decorous.
5. A very proper young lady.
6. Possessed, related.
7. Pertaining exclusively to a specific thing or person; particular.
8. Accurate, strictly applied.
9. Excellent, of high quality; such as the specific person or thing should ideally be. Now often merged with later senses.
10. Now that was a proper breakfast.
11. In the very strictest sense of the word now often as postmodifier.
12. When I realized I was wearing my shirt inside out, I felt a proper fool.


1. Properly; thoroughly; completely.
2. properly.

Examples with translation

  • I don't want to do that without the proper tools.
  • Я не хочу это делать без соответствующих инструментов.
    Я не хочу это делать без подходящих инструментов.
  • We don't have the proper equipment.
  • У нас нет подходящего снаряжения.
  • He is the proper person for the job.
  • Он является подходящим человеком для этой работы.
  • It is not proper that you talk that way.
  • Так говорить - не правильно.
  • The files are in proper order.
  • Документы расположены в правильном порядке.
  • It's a proper interesting book.
  • Это жутко интересная книга.
  • We use the symbol “⊂” to denote proper inclusion.
  • Мы используем символ «⊂» для обозначения строгого включения.
  • Now that Tom is taking proper medication, he should be able to control himself better.
  • Теперь, когда у Тома надлежащее лечение, он должен быть в состоянии лучше контролировать себя.
  • Oh, if only we could be as shy and timid in our shameful actions as we are in our proper ones!
  • О, если бы мы в позорных делах были такие же стеснительные и боязливые, как часто мы бываем боязливые и порочно стеснительные в порядочных поступках!

Examples of usage

  • The proper time to plant potatoes.
  • A very proper young lady.
  • Now that was a proper breakfast.
  • When I realized I was wearing my shirt inside out, I felt a proper fool.
  • The Master said, "If a man be without the virtues proper to humanity, what has he to do with the rites of propriety? If a man be without the virtues proper to humanity, what has he to do with music?
  • Tom is the proper boy for the job.
  • It's just proper they tell me everything.
  • I will tell it to him at the proper time.
  • Is it proper for me to correct Tom?
  • That's not a proper thing to say.
  • He's a proper young man now.
  • I don't want to do that without the proper tools.
  • Proper ID is required.
  • I'll go get the proper forms.

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