incorrectly in Russian

We got five translations of incorrectly in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


Antonyms for incorrectly


Definitions of incorrectly


1. In an incorrect manner.

Examples with translation

  • He answered incorrectly.
  • Он ответил неверно.
  • He broke the machine by using it incorrectly.
  • Он сломал машину, неправильно её используя.
  • Vladimir Putin said he had not been misquoted but mistranslated when he had characterized an American presidential nominee as “flamboyant.” A British newspaper had incorrectly translated that word as “brilliant”, and that report misled the candidate into assuming the Russian president had meant brilliant in an intellectual sense — a mistake the paper later corrected.
  • Владимир Путин сказал, что его правильно процитировали, но неправильно перевели, когда он охарактеризовал кандидата на пост президента "ярким". Британская газета ошибочно перевела это слово как "блестящий", что заставило кандидата предположить, что российский президент имел в виду его интеллектуальные качества. Эту ошибку газета позже исправила.

Examples of usage

  • He answered incorrectly.
  • Tom answered incorrectly.
  • He broke the machine by using it incorrectly.
  • If you swim incorrectly the judges will disqualify you.
  • If there is one thing history has taught us, it's that we often incorrectly predict the future.
  • In informal, everyday speech, the word "literally" is often used incorrectly as an intensifier.
  • I still haven't received your e-mail. Perhaps you wrote down my e-mail address incorrectly?
  • Vladimir Putin said he had not been misquoted but mistranslated when he had characterized an American presidential nominee as “flamboyant.” A British newspaper had incorrectly translated that word as “brilliant”, and that report misled the candidate into assuming the Russian president had meant brilliant in an intellectual sense — a mistake the paper later corrected.

Words similar to incorrectly

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