foul in Russian

We got nine translations of foul in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


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We also found the following translation(s) related to foul.


  • Positive: foul
  • Comparative: fouler / more foul
  • Superlative: foulest / most foul


  • Infinitive: (to) foul
  • Present: foul / fouls
  • Preteritum: fouled
  • Perfektum: (have) fouled


  • Singular: foul
  • Plural: fouls

Definitions of foul


1. A breach of the rules of a game, especially one involving inappropriate contact with an opposing player in order to gain an advantage; as, for example, foot-tripping in soccer, or contact of any kind in basketball.
2. A usually accidental contact between a bowler and the lane before the bowler has released the ball.
3. A foul ball, a ball which has been hit outside of the base lines.


1. To make dirty.
2. To besmirch.
3. To clog or obstruct.
4. To entangle.
5. To make contact with an opposing player in order to gain advantage.
6. To hit outside of the baselines.
7. To become clogged.
8. To become entangled.
9. To commit a foul.
10. To hit a ball outside of the baselines.


1. Covered with, or containing, extraneous matter which is injurious, noxious, offensive, or obstructive; filthy; dirty; not clean; polluted; nasty; defiled; as, a foul cloth; foul hands; a foul chimney; foul air; a ship's bottom is foul when overgrown with barnacles; a gun becomes foul from repeated firing; a well is foul with polluted water.
2. Scurrilous; obscene or profane; abusive; as, foul words; foul language.
3. Hateful; detestable; shameful; odious; wretched.
4. Loathsome; disgusting; as, a foul disease.
5. Ugly; homely; poor.
6. Not favorable; unpropitious; not fair or advantageous; as, a foul wind; a foul road; cloudy or rainy; stormy; not fair; -- said of the weather, sky, etc.
7. Not conformed to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc. ; unfair; dishonest; dishonorable; cheating; as, foul play.
8. Having freedom of motion interfered with by collision or entanglement; entangled; -- opposed to clear; as, a rope or cable may get foul while paying it out.
9. Outside of the base lines; in foul territory.


1. An act that violates the rules of a sport.

Examples with translation

  • Fair is foul, and foul is fair: hover through the fog and filthy air.
  • Зло — в добре, добро — во зле. Полетим в нечистой мгле.
    Зло есть добро, добро есть зло. Летим, пока не рассвело!
    Зло станет правдой, правда — злом. Взовьёмся в воздухе гнилом.
    Добро и зло один обман — летим в сырой, гнилой туман.
  • It was a foul play.
  • Это была подлая выходка.
    Это была нечестная игра.
  • There is a foul odor in the air.
  • В воздухе неприятный запах.
  • Smokers foul up the air.
  • Курильщики загрязняют воздух.
  • You have foul breath.
  • У тебя неприятный запах изо рта.
  • It's foul of you to have concealed it.
  • Отвратительно, что вы скрыли это.

Examples of usage

  • Cap'n, she's all fouled up.
  • The rascal spewed forth a series of foul pronouncements.
  • He has a foul set of friends.
  • This foul food is making me retch.
  • Some foul weather is brewing.
  • Foul play is not suspected.
  • We've got a foul anchor.
  • Jones hit foul ball after foul ball.
  • She's fouled her diaper.
  • He's fouled his reputation.
  • The hair has fouled the drain.
  • The kelp has fouled the prop.
  • Smith fouled him hard.
  • Jones fouled the ball off the facing of the upper deck.
  • The drain fouled.
  • The prop fouled on the kelp.
  • Smith fouled within the first minute of the quarter.
  • Jones fouled for strike one.
  • Jones hit a foul up over the screen.
  • Fair is foul, and foul is fair: hover through the fog and filthy air.
  • It was clearly a foul.
  • The air in here is foul.
  • You have a really foul mouth!
  • It uses a foul language.
  • It was a foul play.
  • That man has a foul mouth.
  • There is a foul odor in the air.
  • I wonder why Tom was in such a foul mood.
  • There was a foul smell.

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