flaw in Russian

We got ten translations of flaw in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Infinitive: (to) flaw
  • Present: flaw / flaws
  • Preteritum: flawed
  • Perfektum: (have) flawed


  • Singular: flaw
  • Plural: flaws

Definitions of flaw


1. A crack or breach, a gap or fissure; a defect of continuity or cohesion.
2. A defect, fault, or imperfection, especially one that is hidden.
3. A defect or error in a contract or other document which may make the document invalid.
4. A sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration.
5. A storm of short duration.
6. A sudden burst of noise and disorder; a tumult; uproar; a quarrel.


1. To add a flaw to, to make imperfect or defective.
2. To become imperfect or defective.


1. An imperfection in a device or machine.

Examples with translation

  • I can't find a single flaw in his theory.
  • Я не могу найти ни одного изъяна в его теории.
  • Because of a flaw in the original design, our website is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
  • Из-за ошибки в оригинальной версии наш веб-сайт подвержен SQL-инъекциям.

Examples of usage

  • There is a flaw in that knife.
  • That vase has a flaw.
  • There is a flaw in the will.
  • There is a flaw in the deed.
  • There is a flaw in the statute.
  • Isn't this a serious flaw?
  • It has a flaw.
  • It's a design flaw.
  • My technique is without flaw.
  • Are you suggesting it's a design flaw?
  • I can't find any flaw in his theory at all.
  • Tom discovered a flaw in the ship's design.
  • I can't find a single flaw in his theory.
  • Thomas has one major flaw: he is selfish.
  • I can't find a single flaw in her theory.

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