fault in Russian

We got eleven translations of fault in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Infinitive: (to) fault
  • Present: fault / faults
  • Preteritum: faulted
  • Perfektum: (have) faulted


  • Singular: fault
  • Plural: faults

Definitions of fault


1. A defect; something that detracts from perfection.
2. A mistake or error.
3. A weakness of character.
4. A minor offense.
5. Blame; the responsibility for a mistake.
6. A fracture in a rock formation causing a discontinuity.
7. An illegal serve.
8. An abnormal connection in a circuit.


1. To criticize, blame or find fault with something or someone.
2. To fracture.
3. To commit a mistake or error.
4. To undergo a page fault.


1. A fracture or a zone of fractures along which there has been displacement of the sides relative to one another parallel to the fracture.
2. A wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention.
3. An imperfection in a device or machine.
4. Wrong act done deliberately or good act omitted deliberately.
5. An incorrect action not made deliberately.

Examples with translation

  • It's your fault.
  • Это твоя вина.
    Это ваша вина.
  • Tell Tom it's not my fault.
  • Скажи Тому, что это не я виноват.
    Скажите Тому, что это не я виноват.
    Скажи Тому, что это не моя вина.
    Скажите Тому, что это не моя вина.
  • Tom, it's not your fault.
  • Это не твоя вина, Том.
    Это не Ваша вина, Том.
  • Tell Tom it's not his fault.
  • Скажи Тому, что он не виноват.
    Скажите Тому, что он не виноват.

Examples of usage

  • Those who find fault with other people tend to be blind to their own fault.
  • It really is your fault.
  • It's your fault.
  • Tell Tom it's not my fault.
  • Tom, it's not your fault.
  • Tell Tom it's not his fault.
  • It's all your fault.
  • It was the cat's fault.
  • It was his fault.
  • It was her fault.

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