erroneous in Russian

We got five translations of erroneous in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Positive: erroneous
  • Comparative: more erroneous
  • Superlative: most erroneous

Derived terms for erroneous

erroneouslyerroneous belieferroneousness

Definitions of erroneous


1. Containing an error; inaccurate.
2. Derived from an error.
3. Mistaken.
4. signifies a deviation from the requirements of the law, but does not connote a lack of legal authority, and is thus distinguished from illegal.


1. Containing one error or several errors.
2. Contradicting the facts.

Examples of usage

  • Rie has erroneous ideas.
  • It is, once again, completely erroneous!
  • He thought he could get away with his erroneous sentence.
  • There is something to be said for every error; but, whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous.
  • He thought he could escape scott free with his erroneous sentence.
  • The fundamental problem in arguing with a person who denies global warming is that they use erroneous logic.
  • Hui Shi had many ingenious notions. His writings would fill five carriages; but his doctrines were erroneous and contradictory, and his words were wide of their mark.

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