bad in Russian

We got 14 translations of bad in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


Similar translations

We also found the following translation(s) related to bad.


  • Positive: bad
  • Comparative: worse / more bad
  • Superlative: worst / most bad


  • Singular: bad
  • Plural: bads

Anagrams for bad


Definitions of bad


1. error, mistake.


1. To shell a walnut.


1. Not good; unfavorable; negative.
2. Seemingly non-appropriate, in manners, etc.
3. Not suitable or fitting.
4. Tricky; stressful; unpleasant.
5. Evil; wicked.
6. Faulty; not functional.
7. Spoiled, rotten, overripe.
8. Malodorous, foul.
9. Bold and daring.
10. Severe, urgent.


1. Badly.


1. Not good; unfavorable; negative.
2. A mistake, an oversight, a slight; usually apologetic, referring to one's own failures.
3. Having changed its colour, smell or composition (partially or completely), due to being attacked and decomposed by microorganisms (relating to organic matter); damaged by decay.
4. With great intensity.
5. Characterized by wickedness or immorality.

Examples with translation

  • It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.
  • Жаль, что мне не нужно сбрасывать вес.
  • I have a bad toothache.
  • У меня сильная зубная боль.
  • Not a bad picture!
  • Ничего себе фотография!
  • From bad stems worse.
  • Плохая яблоня — плохие яблоки.
  • Due to bad weather, the plane was late.
  • Самолёт опоздал из-за плохой погоды.
  • These oranges have gone bad.
  • Эти апельсины испортились.
  • He often attributes his failures to bad luck.
  • Он часто объясняет свои неудачи невезением.
  • Some people are good, some people are bad.
  • Некоторые люди хорошие, некоторые люди плохие.
  • Don't keep company with such a bad boy.
  • Не водись с этим дрянным мальчишкой.
  • People with bad vision cannot see far.
  • Люди с плохим зрением не могут видеть даль.

Examples of usage

  • You have bad credit.
  • It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
  • Do you think it is a bad idea to confront him directly?
  • Divorce is usually a bad experience for everybody involved.
  • Be careful. There are bad people in the world.
  • I had a bad headlight.
  • These apples have gone bad.
  • Bad breath is not pleasant for anyone.
  • He is in bad need of a haircut.
  • I didn't do too bad in the last exam.
  • Sorry, my bad!
  • You is bad, man!
  • Also Bek is "bad" at Madden.
  • Damn! It's not bad!
  • Is it bad?
  • He wishes to erase bad memories.
  • The rooms in this hotel are really very bad at muffling sounds. I can hear my neighbor chewing his gum!
  • Don't set your failure down to bad luck.
  • You must rid yourself of bad habits.
  • You've set a bad example.
  • You must get rid of that bad habit.
  • It was bad of you to get angry at your wife.
  • It was too bad you couldn't come.

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