amiss in Russian

We got five translations of amiss in English-Russian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


Definitions of amiss


1. Fault; wrong; an evil act, a bad deed.


1. Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice.


1. Mistakenly.
2. Astray.
3. Wrongly.

Examples with translation

  • Is there something amiss with her?
  • С ней что-то не так?
  • Don't take it amiss if I criticize your work.
  • Не пойми неправильно, если я критикую твою работу.

Examples of usage

  • He suspected something was amiss.
  • Something amiss in the arrangements had distracted the staff.
  • Something seemed amiss.
  • Is there something amiss with her?
  • He came amiss.
  • Don't take it amiss!
  • Nothing comes amiss to him.
  • It would not be amiss to ask his views.
  • I'm worried something is amiss.
  • It may not be amiss to give this advice.
  • Don't take it amiss if I criticize your work.
  • If there be nothing, but that which is has been before, how are our brains beguiled, which, laboring for invention, bear amiss the second burden of a former child!

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