designate in Norwegian

We got eleven translations of designate in English-Norwegian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


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We also found the following translation(s) related to designate.


  • Infinitive: (to) designate
  • Present: designate / designates
  • Preteritum: designated
  • Perfektum: (have) designated

Definitions of designate


1. To mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate; to show; to distinguish by marks or description; to specify; as, to designate the boundaries of a country; to designate the rioters who are to be arrested.
2. To call by a distinctive title; to name.
3. To indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty; -- with to or for; to designate an officer for or to the command of a post or station.


1. Designated; appointed; chosen.


1. To give something to (a person), or assign a task to (a person).

Examples of usage

  • Blue lines on the map designate rivers.
  • The blue lines on the map designate rivers.

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