asset in Chinese

We got eight translations of asset in English-Chinese dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Singular: asset
  • Plural: assets

Antonyms for asset


Anagrams for asset


Definitions of asset


1. Something or someone of any value; any portion of one's property or effects so considered.
2. Any component, model, process or framework of value that can be leveraged or reused.
3. intelligence asset.


1. Something that is owned.
2. A useful or valuable quality that helps a person succeed.

Examples of usage

  • These shares are a valuable asset.
  • You're a valuable asset to me.
  • She is an asset to the company.
  • She will be an asset to the Purchasing Department.
  • I'm sure you'll be a valuable asset to our company.
  • Fadil saw Layla as an asset.
  • Many people these days are asset-rich but time-poor.

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